Police are working with Sandwell Council and Public Health England (PHE) Midlands, following confirmation of two cases of COVID-19 in staff members who work at our Oldbury custody suite in Sandwell.
The two members of staff are self-isolating for 10 days, and we are working with our public health partners to identify and contact any staff members who may have had contact with the two individuals, so they may isolate at home for 14 days.
No members of the public detained in the block were assessed to have had significant contact with the infected individuals.

Superintendent Martin Hurcomb from West Midlands Police, said: “Today, we were made aware that two members of our custody staff at Oldbury, had tested positive for COVID-19.
“West Midlands Police has worked in partnership with the Local Authority and Public Health England to ensure that those who may have been in close contact with the staff who have the virus are notified.
“We understand the anxiety and impact this virus has had and continues to have on people and assure you we have done everything necessary to minimise the risk.”
Dr Lisa McNally, Director of Public Health for Sandwell, said: “West Midlands Police sought public health advice in good time and all appropriate preventative actions have been taken. Their quick response will have served to minimise the risk of onward infection.”
Caryn Cox, consultant for communicable disease control with PHE Midlands, said: “We are working closely with the local authority and West Midlands Police to ensure that all individuals who may have had significant contact with the two staff members are isolating for 14 days, as per national guidance.
“West Midlands Police already has a rigorous cleaning regime in place to reduce risk of spreading COVID-19 in its premises, however we have advised that as an extra precaution, they perform an extra thorough clean of the entire custody block.”