Palace says medical advice was sought before engagement at Porton Down defence lab
Liverpool may run out of beds in a week as cases double again and medical staff are worried and worn out
West Midlands police apologise after names of young people at risk taken in Birmingham
Rishi Sunak announces new furlough scheme with PM set to outline ‘three-tier’ approach to local lockdowns on Monday
Dr Shankar Chappiti says he was told to run clinics without pay after an unfounded and racist fraud allegation
Young workers and those at the bottom end of the income scale will be the hardest hit
Wave of ‘reverse commuters’ in prospect as number of jobseekers looking further afield jumps 27%
The replacement for the UK furlough scheme is similar to Germany’s Kurzarbeit
- UK government to cover 22% of worker pay for six months
- Key points from Rishi Sunak’s winter economy plan
We would like to hear from people about working from home, after the government u-turn on returning to workplaces
Boris Johnson’s explanation doesn’t chime with polls or the opinion of experts, who say people in UK prefer to follow rules