Stonehenge tunnel will square the circle.
The Council for British Archaeology is quite right that Stonehenge is much more than the ancient, iconic stones.

The Council for British Archaeology is quite right that Stonehenge is much more than the ancient, iconic stones (Letters, 24 November). The current road severs this world heritage site and hampers access to hundreds of other prehistoric monuments across the site. That is why we want to see the road placed in a deep tunnel, well below the level of any archaeology.
The long-term benefits to the public, history and wildlife will be significant – reuniting this remarkable landscape, reducing the sight and sound of traffic, and allowing people to better explore and understand the site. The archaeology where the new road will emerge at either end of the tunnel has been thoroughly evaluated and the tunnel entrances carefully positioned. Archaeological finds will be handled sensitively and the results published and shared with the public.
Alternative options – including surface routes, which would cut a wide swathe through the site and be highly destructive – have long been rejected. This scheme – designed and delivered with the utmost care – will provide a lasting, positive legacy for the world heritage site.
Kate Mavor English Heritage, Hilary McGrady National Trust, Duncan Wilson Historic England © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010
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