With gyms currently closed, and other fitness options limited, more people will be out and about in the evening or early morning – while those commuting to work may be cycling, running or walking as an alternative to public transport.
Whatever the reason you find yourself out in the dark a few simple tips can make all the difference to your safety:
- Be alert to your surroundings. Do not walk whilst chatting on your mobile phone or with earphones in.
- Stick to well-lit and well-used areas. Do not take short cuts through dark and remote alleyways, parks or wasteland.
- If you think you are being followed go to the nearest place where there are other people and call the police while on your way there.
- If you have concerns about a group of people or a particular situation, keep away and find a well-lit, busier area.
- Let friends and family know where you are and what time you will be are expected.
- Walk with a friend or in a group where possible.

- Make sure your location settings are switched on on your mobile phone.