Police are reminding people to be vigilant and look out for elderly relatives and neighbours following a distraction burglary in Wednesbury last night (3 December).
An 83-year-old man was targeted by three men who claimed to be from the water board. They let themselves into his unlocked house on Yew Tree Lane just before 6pm.
Fortunately he was not injured and nothing was stolen, but he’s understandably been left shaken by what happened.
Officers would ask people to look out for elderly relatives, friends and neighbours and remind them of the dangers of bogus callers.
Detective Inspector Tom Hadley from our Force CID, said: “These are crimes committed by heartless offenders. They target elderly residents, people they believe are easy prey and who will fall for their lies.
“It’s a terrifying crime which makes people feel frightened in their own homes – the place they should feel safest. We’re doing all we can to target these offenders.
“But we need residents to be alert and for people to share our message with elderly family members, friends or neighbours.
“If anyone sees anything suspicious or have been visited by doorstep callers who they do not believe to be genuine, they should contact us as they may have important information.”
It’s worth remembering that the water board does not exist anymore. If anyone receives a knock on the door from people claiming to be from the police, council, a utility company or any other organisation always ask to see identification.

Never let them inside your home unless you are sure they are genuine − and phone the organisation they claim to be from if you want to be 100 per cent sure.