Health bosses across the Black Country have urged families to stay safe by not mixing in gardens this half term.
Households mixing is banned indoors under the COVID-19 High Alert Tier 2 and these restrictions are in place in Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. This means that school friends are not allowed to go to each other’s houses as they would otherwise ordinarily do during the holidays.
Meanwhile, people who want to meet up with others outside are reminded they must follow social distancing measures and the rule of six at all times.
While current guidelines allow households to mix in private gardens – as long as social distancing and the rule of six are followed – people across the Black Country are being urged not to do so by local public health chiefs. This is because it is less easy to social distance in a private garden as it is in a park or open space, meaning COVID-19 can be spread more easily.
Directors of Public Health from across the Black Country have unanimously agreed that families need to take extra care this half term.
Dr Lisa McNally, Director of Public Health for Sandwell, said: “The school holidays are usually a wonderful time for children to get together and play with their friends. Unfortunately this year, because of how easily COVID-19 can be spread, that simply won’t be possible.
“The current government rules mean that you must not meet up with anyone who is not part of your own household or your care or support bubble in your home or any other indoor setting.
“It’s important to stress that the bubble your child is part of when they are in school doesn’t count towards this.
“So please stay within your own household over the holidays – and stay in touch with school friends using video calling or over the phone.
“If you must meet with people from other households outside, for instance in a park or open space, you’ll need to follow the rule of six – that means meeting in a group of no more than six and following social distancing guidelines at all times by staying 2m away from anyone who isn’t a member of your own household.
“We’re strongly urging families who must meet up outdoors to do so in public places, rather than in private gardens, as it’s much easier to practise social distancing in wider, more open spaces.”
Sandwell Council Deputy Leader Councillor Maria Crompton added: “We know how difficult the last few months have been for everyone – but unfortunately as a borough and a country we simply must carry on doing all we can to prevent the spread of COVID-19 until we get a vaccine.
“So please, continue to follow the rules and stay safe by staying apart this half-term.
“Despite everything we are doing to try to control the virus, numbers are continuing to rise at a worrying rate.
“We must all play our part and each and everyone of us must ask ourselves – what more can I do to stop the spread?”

Symptoms of COVID-19 include a fever, a new, continuous cough and loss or change to a person’s sense of taste and smell.
People with symptoms, no matter how mild, should immediately self-isolate and book a test or calling 119. People can now get tests up to eight days after first developing symptoms.
Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 will be contacted by NHS Test & Trace and will be asked to share information about people that have been close contacts recently.