The Thompson family is embracing a magical Christmas this year, two years after twins Jenson and Grayson celebrated their christening in the Children’s Hospital’s Chapel. The three-year-old boys, born prematurely at just 24 weeks and three days, have triumphed over significant health challenges to enjoy a festive season filled with hope and happiness.
Jenson and Grayson entered the world weighing less than a bag of sugar, at 1lb 11oz and 1lb 9oz respectively. Their fragile beginnings required intensive care in the Women’s Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for the first six months before transitioning to the Children’s Hospital. During their time in the NICU, the twins battled bronchiolitis, retinopathy of prematurity, respiratory issues, and bowel perforations. Grayson was discharged home slightly ahead of his brother, marking a pivotal moment for the family.
Today, both boys are thriving, much to the relief and joy of their parents, Lindsay and Liam. The family is now looking forward to celebrating Christmas in their Dudley home, surrounded by love and the support of their community.
ENT Consultant Mr. Channa Panagamuwa, who provided care for both twins, expressed his delight at their progress. “Having looked after Grayson when he was struggling to breathe, I am pleased to hear he and his brother are doing well. The boys really have overcome so much, and I hope they enjoy this Christmas and many more to come,” he said.
Lindsay remains deeply connected with the hospital staff who cared for her sons. She frequently visits the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, High Dependency Unit (HDU), and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, sharing treats and updated photos of Jenson and Grayson. Reflecting on their journey, Lindsay shared, “It’s a little bittersweet looking back on it because we made such good memories, but it was also such a challenging time away from normality.”
The hospital staff went above and beyond to support the family during their time in the NICU. Lindsay fondly recalls how the nurses decorated Jenson’s room for Christmas and arranged special moments for her to bond with her twins. “These were moments I cherished, that made up for me being away from family and not seeing the outside just so I could see my boys in hospital,” she said.
Rev Paul Nash, Senior Chaplain at the Trust, who christened the boys in December 2022, lauded their resilience. “Jenson and Grayson are beautiful and courageous young boys. It is so encouraging to see them celebrating and enjoying Christmas,” he remarked.
The twins continue to defy the odds, with both boys now babbling, learning new words, and walking. Their recent participation in festive activities at nursery, including dressing up in Christmas jumpers to raise funds for the Children’s Hospital Charity, has touched many hearts. “It really touched me that the school chose to raise money for the hospital that helped my boys. I couldn’t have got through any of it without the amazing Chaplaincy team, nurses and the people that supported our family,” Lindsay added.
Lindsay, who owns a local cleaning company, credits much of her strength to the support she received from Family Support Worker Mary Kelly and Councilor Davey. “Mary Kelly deserves a medal. She went above and beyond for me and still checks in with us to this day. I am forever grateful to her,” she said.
As Christmas approaches, the entire team at the Children’s Hospital extends their warmest wishes to Jenson, Grayson, Lindsay, and Liam. Their story is a testament to resilience, community support, and the enduring spirit of family during the holiday season.