Students offered testing for Covid after Christmas as universities asked to stagger returns.
Students will be asked to stagger their return to universities after Christmas to help protect those around them and reduce transmission of Covid-19, the Government has announced today (Wednesday 2 December).
New guidance published by the Department for Education will set out how higher education providers should manage student returns over a five-week period according to the following:
- From 4 – 18 January, medical students, those on placements or practical courses with a need for in-person teaching should return in line with their planned start dates;
- The remaining courses should be offered online from the beginning of term so students can continue their studies from home; and
- From 25 January, all other students should start to return gradually over a two-week period, and by 7 February all students are expected to have returned.
All students should be offered Covid tests when they return to university to help identify and isolate those who are asymptomatic but could spread the virus. All universities will be offered testing facilities to give students two lateral flow tests, three days apart, with results turned around within an hour to help control the spread of the virus.
These measures will be crucial to manage returns carefully and protect students, staff and local communities while reducing disruption to education.

The Government has also announced a one-off fund of up to £20 million to help students most in need of support in these exceptional circumstances.